Walk-Ins Welcome
Meet the Team

Coolest chiropractic experience I've had yet, friendly staff and the adjustment was different from what I was used to. Glad I tried it out vs staying with my old chiropractor who wasn't fully adjusting me

- Rory B.

Active Health Chiropractic & Nutrition

Phone: 715-834-6333
Email: info@activehealthec.com

John F. Soborowicz DC DIBCN drjohn@activehealthec.com
Judy K. Soborowicz DC drjudy@activehealthec.com 
Benjamin I. Soborowicz DC

3521 London Road Suite A
Eau Claire, WI 54701


7:45am-12:00pm, 1:45pm-6:00pm

Startd Today!

Active Health Chiropractic & Nutrition

Phone: 715-834-6333
Email: info@activehealthec.com

John F. Soborowicz DC DIBCN drjohn@activehealthec.com
Judy K. Soborowicz DC drjudy@activehealthec.com
Benjamin I. Soborowicz DC

3521 London Road Suite A
Eau Claire, WI 54701


7:45am-12:00pm, 1:45pm-6:00pm

Schedule Now!

Active Health Chiropractic & Nutrition

Phone: 715-834-6333
Email: info@activehealthec.com

John F. Soborowicz DC DIBCN drjohn@activehealthec.com
Judy K. Soborowicz DC drjudy@activehealthec.com
Benjamin I. Soborowicz DC

3521 London Road Suite A
Eau Claire, WI 54701


7:45am-12:00pm, 1:45pm-6:00pm

Schedule Now!

Active Health Chiropractic & Nutrition

Phone: 715-834-6333
Email: info@activehealthec.com

John F. Soborowicz DC DIBCN drjohn@activehealthec.com
Judy K. Soborowicz DC drjudy@activehealthec.com
Benjamin I. Soborowicz DC

3521 London Road Suite A
Eau Claire, WI 54701


7:45am-12:00pm, 1:45pm-6:00pm

Doctors John and Judy Soborowicz are pleased and honored to be a part of your healthcare team! Originally from the Chippewa Valley, we are both graduates of Palmer College of Chiropractic, and have completed postgraduate studies in Chiropractic Neurology, Human Nutrition, cranial, gait training, movement patterns and brain health. Formerly practicing in Green Bay, and Manitowoc, WI, our desire to raise our children in one of the most beautiful places on earth brought us to Eau Claire.

In 1995 we established Active Health Chiropractic to provide cutting edge chiropractic service for Chippewa Valley Residents. Today our life is as busy as ever with with three healthy chiropractic kids and wonderful chiropractic patients throughout the Chippewa Valley.

John F. Soborowicz DC DIBCN

As a Board Certified Chiropractic Neurologist, Doctor John has completed an additional 200 hour specialized training program and examination for certification from the Board of Chiropractic Neurology.  Neurology Board Certification allows Doctor John to serve the Chippewa Valley by providing patients and their families specialized care with advanced training in effective neurological techniques.  Providing a drug and surgery free option for healing and recovery from complex conditions involving the brain and nerve system. Personalized treatment plans, for all ages and fitness levels.


Judy K. Soborowicz DC

Having experienced life changing benefits of chiropractic early in life, Dr. Judy was inspired to learn everything possible about the unique and effective healing practice of Chiropractic.  Dr Judy graduated from Palmer College of Chiropractic where emphasis remains on the art, science and philosophy of how, when and why a to utilize a chiropractic approach. Over twenty-nine years in practice and continuing education focused on adjusting techniques and refining the most effective chiropractic approach available, along with over two hundred hours of functional nutrition allows for a whole body approach. Motion is key to maintaining brain function, memory and cognition and depends on healthy neuro-musculoskeletal system. Motion is life and Dr Judy has a goal for all of her patients to experience optimal movement and balance for a lifetime.  Personalized treatment plans for all ages and fitness levels.

Benjamin I. Soborowicz DC                                                            

Being born into a chiropractic family, Dr Ben received his first adjustment shortly following his birth. Growing up in a chiropractic family, Dr Ben is grateful to have experienced the benefits of natural chiropractic, and the chiropractic lifestyle. Many times while competing in sports- swimming and involvement in a physically active lifestyle he was able to perform his best while maintaining a healthy nervous system through natural chiropractic care. 

Dr Ben's interest chiropractic as a profession grew while he attended UWEC working toward a Physics Major, ultimately earning his bachelor’s in general science and his doctorate with magna cum laude honors from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, IA.

Dr Ben has a purpose to educate and adjust as many families as possible toward optimal health, as he has been grateful to personally experience. Dr Ben welcomes families, children and athletes of all ages to Active Health.

  • Movement & Mobility Improvement
  • Academic Performance Improvement
  • Pregnancy & Family Wellness Care
  • Rotator Cuff Injury
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Carpal Tunnel
  • Tarsal Tunnel
  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Elbow Pain/ Dysfunction
  • Knee Pain/Dysfunction
  • Loss of/Poor Balance
  • Exercise Intolerance
  • Headache
  • Migraine
  • Sport Injury
  • Low Back Pain
  • Weakness
  • Fatigue
  • Growing Pains
  • Overuse Injury
  • Infant Care
  • Colic
  • Digestive 
  • Neck Pain
  • Slips/ Falls
  • Auto Accident
  • Stroke Recovery
  • Movement Disorder
  • Migraine
  • Epilepsy/ Seizure Disorder
  • Athletic Performance Improvement
  • Traumatic Head Injury
  • Post-Concussion Therapy
  • Senior Cognitive improvement
  • Memory Retention
  • Vertigo
  • Cerebral Palsey
  • Developmental Disorders
  • Early Childhood Development
  • Autism
  • Learning or Attention Disorders
  • Spine cord/ Nerve injuries
  • Pain Management

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